Biostat 257




Course Schedule

BIOSTAT 257 tentative schedule and handouts (expect frequent updates)

Zoom link:, for call in dial +1-669-900-6833 and enter meeting ID 507 925 583



Week Tuesday Thursday Homework
1 3/31 course introduction and logistics [slides: html] 4/2 computer languages [slides: Binder, html], Julia intro. [slides: Binder, html]  
2 4/7 plotting in Julia [slides: Binder, html], Jupyter Notebook [slides: Binder, html] 4/9 computer arithmetic [slides: Binder, html], algo. intro. [slides: Binder, html] HW1 [ipynb, html]
3 4/14 BLAS [slides: Binder, html], NLA on GPU [slides: html], triangular systems [slides: Binder, html] 4/16 GE/LU [slides: Binder, html] HW2 [ipynb, html]
4 4/21 Cholesky [slides: Binder, html], QR (GS, Householder, Givens) [slides: Binder, html] 4/23 Sweep operator [slides: Binder, html], summary of linear regression [slides: Binder, html]  
5 4/28 condition number [slides: Binder, html], iterative methods intro [slides: Binder, html] 4/30 conjugate gradient [slides: Binder, html] HW3 [ipynb, html]
6 5/5 easy linear system [slides: Binder, html], eigen-decomposition and SVD [slides: Binder, html] 5/7 optimization intro. [slides: Binder, html]  
7 5/12 optimization in Julia [slides: Binder, html] 5/14 Newton-Raphson, Fisher scoring, GLM, nonlinear regression (Gauss-Newton) [slides: Binder, html], quasi-Newton [slides: Binder, html] HW4 [ipynb, html]
8 5/19 KKT [slides: Binder, html], constrained optimization [slides: Binder, html] 5/21 EM algorithm [slides: Binder, html] HW5 [ipynb, html]
9 5/26 MM algorithm [slides: Binder, html] 5/28 LP [slides: Binder, html], QP [slides: Binder, html] HW6 [ipynb, html]
10 6/2 SOCP [slides: Binder, html], SDP [slides: Binder, html], GP [slides: Binder, html] 6/4 concluding remarks [slides: Binder, html]