
  • Course introduction, logistics.

  • Computer languages.

  • Introduction to Julia programming.

Course material

All lecture notes are Jupyter Notebooks. It is a good idea to learn by running through the code examples. You can do this in several ways.

Run in Binder

Easiest way to run the Jupyter Notebooks is Binder, a free service that allows us to run Jupyter Notebooks in cloud. Simply follow the Binder link at

If you want the JupyterLab interface, replace the tree by lab in the URL.

Run locally on your own computer

  1. Download and install Julia v1.4.0 from On Mac, I usually use Bash command
    sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/julia

    to create a symbolic link so julia command is available anywere in the system.

  2. Git clone the course material.
    git clone
  3. Enter the folder on Terminal.

  4. Open Julia within that folder, type ] to enter the package mode, then type
    activate .

    to install necessary packages.

  5. In Julia REPL, type
    using IJulia

    to open the JupyterLab in browser.

  6. Course material is updated frequently. Remember to git pull to obtain the most recent material.

Tip for Windows user: Our TA Brendon is a Windows user. Feel free to consult him to configure your windows machine for open source data science tools.

JupyterHub at UCLA

Ben Winjum at IDRE sets up an JupyterHub server for this class. Follow below steps to access the server.

  1. Point your browser to Log in using UCLA for the ID provider.

  2. After log in, you should be able to see the folder in your home directory. By default, you will see the Jupyter Notebook interface. To change to the JupyterLab interface, change tree to lab in URL. Open an terminal in JupyterLab, cd to the ~/ folder, and type git pull to obtain the most updated course material.

  3. Run the Jupyter Notebooks.